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Company VAT Services:

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Value-Added Tax is commonly known as VAT. VAT is an indirect tax on the consumption of goods and services in the economy. Revenue is raised for government by requiring a business, that carries on an enterprise, to register for VAT. In doing so, the business will charge VAT on supplies of goods and services made by it, on the importation of goods and on imported services (subject to certain conditions). The business will also be entitled to deduct any VAT charged to it, or under limited circumstances from a business that is not registered for VAT, in respect of a supply made to it.


Sanuar & Associates has the more than 15+ years’ experience in consultancy services on VAT as per Value Added Tax Act 1991 & Value Added Tax Act 2012. We have a very professional skilled dynamic team with profound knowledge in current VAT acts and its SRO. We have provided a wide range of VAT services in different national & international corporates & enterprises for last 10+ years. 

Company VAT Services

  • VAT registration
  • Preparation and maintain of VAT books.
  • Mushok preparation Service.
  • VAT Return
  • VAT Exemption
  • Source VAT deduction, challan preparation and submission.
  • Refund calculation and adjustment
  • VAT Advisory services
  • VAT Tribunal & writ petition
  • VAT office Hearing attend
  •  VAT Appeal